Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Surgery...& some other info

First of all...i am overwhelmed and soooo blessed to know EVERY single one of you! i have such AMAZING people in my life, and God has TRULY blessed us with people who love Him, and are so committed to praying for His sweet Asher.

It has been a VERY emotionally draining day for me and i cant imagine how it has been for Asher. Thank you thank you thank you for all your prayers! They were felt, despite how imperfect we were by worrying about our baby, KNOWING full well that our God has him in His hands.

Asher's surgery went well, no complications, which is a big praise.
checking his groin area where the cath went in the femoral

this is him in recovery, just after surgery. He was wide awake, and under anesthesia. 

The bad news is his VSD (hole in his heart) is quite large for his size (4.5mm), and although they will keep monitoring it, and hope the hole will begin closing on its own, they still think he might need open heart surgery in the near future...we will know pretty quickly how long he can tolerate the hole without assistance. 
The other part is that the pulmonary valve could begin narrowing again, and IF that happens, he would either need to have this same surgery performed again, OR have his valve replaced...which unfortunately means he would have to continue having surgery until he stopped growing to make sue the valve that was replaced is the right size, since it wont grow with him. 

Please continue to pray for him...pray for his VSD to heal on its own, and for his pulmonary valve to stay open, and not stenos again.

We cant thank you all enough...we feel so incredibly loved, and cared for. We had SOOO many people interceding for him today in prayer....amazing...we are beyond blessed. 
My tears are now tears of joy...but this is not over, please continue praying when you think of it! 
Thank you!
still out of it after surgery
 resting after a long, rough day...
 sweet tired.


  1. Been praying and thinking of you all day! Glad he's doing well... such a trooper! Blessings and much prayer... Hosanna

  2. Praying for little Asher and your family!

  3. Praise God that he came through this so well! Continued prayers that God will close that hole and keep him healing miraculously! Prayers for you and your family as you hope for your precious boy! <3

  4. My nephew is almost 15 years old. He had his first heart surgery for the pulmonary valve at 5 days old. He had a pacemaker put in at 10 days old. He has had a few surgeries over the years, but all in all has led a fairly normal life. He will be having the valve replaced this June. God is good. I will pray that Asher doesn't have to go through all of these surgeries. Just wanted you to know a positive story of someone who has been there.
