Friday, May 11, 2012

its been awhile...update on Asher

its been awhile....
so we HAVE tried posting on this thing in the last year and a half, promise...but we couldn't login...which i have now figured out! :)

A few of you have asked me to update the blog...mostly due to our sweet 2 week old, Asher who needs surgery this coming wednesday on his little heart.

To update, he has a VSD (ventricular septal defect) which is a hole in heart between the right and left ventricle, and a pulmonary stenosis (which is a narrowing of his pulmonary valve), and each time he goes to the pediatric cardiologist, it has gotten more and more narrow, which is a bad thing.

This coming wednesday, we will be heading to Denver, CO about 2 hours away, to the Children's hospital for a surgery to correct the stenosis. The doctors believe the VSD will close on its own eventually, which of course we hope for!

Please be praying for our family...we have been fortunate enough not to have huge health issues with our kids (besides the febrile seizures), up to this point, and a 2 week old having surgery is heart-wrenching for  me as his mommy. I will try to keep this updated once we know more! :)

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